Plumbers and Pipefitters Local 9

Benefits Office

Local 9’s Health & Welfare, Pension, and Surety Funds, also known as the “Joint Trust Funds,” are administered by six (6) Trustees selected by the Mechanical Contractor Association of New Jersey (MCANJ). Additionally, the membership of Local 9 elects Trustees from its own ranks to monitor and make decisions for the betterment of its members and their families. Our Welfare and Pension Funds each have six (6) employee Trustees, and our Surety Fund has three (3) Trustees. Elections for these positions are held every three (3) years as per the BY-LAWS of Local Union 9.

Local 9’s Trustees have relied upon, and utilized the experience and expertise of, IE Shaffer Plan Administrators to guide us in making prudent and fiduciary calculations for the benefit of our members and the overall benefit of our Plans. Although many of the forms and information to guide you through the intricacies of our Plans are listed here below, other information is available at:

Mass Mutual

Fund Office Forms